Divorce has the potential to be a very intense and emotional process. Ending a relationship that people thought should last for the rest of their lives is difficult. When there are children involved, emotions may become that much more intense.
The idea of a contentious, scorched-earth divorce can leave some people feeling trapped in their marriages, as they don’t want to deal with a protracted battle in family court. Thankfully, there are ways for those contemplating divorce to limit the amount of conflict that arises. The following are some of the strategies that people can use to reduce the overall degree of animosity during divorce proceedings.
Limiting communication
Frequently, direct interactions are the starting point of conflicts between spouses. Therefore, those preparing for divorce may want to avoid direct communications by requesting that their spouses communicate solely through their legal representation. When that solution isn’t realistic because there are children in the family, the parents could potentially use a parenting app to help keep their communications as calm as possible. Knowing that there is a written record of everything said to one another can prevent arguments.
Exploring alternative dispute resolution
Often, there could be alternative means of settling disagreements about divorce proceedings. Litigation is only one option for ending a marriage. Spouses can also theoretically agree to a collaborative divorce or attend mediation sessions together to resolve their disagreements. Attempting to work together instead of fighting against each other can reduce the level of acrimony between spouses.
Focusing on self-regulation
Some people choose to divorce because their spouse is volatile, manipulative or abusive. People cannot control what their spouses do during divorce, but they can train themselves to take the high road when their spouses try to initiate conflict. Attending counseling can help people identify manipulative conduct or unhealthy communication. A therapist could also help people develop the skills they need to remain calm in an otherwise stressful situation. Staying focused on the big picture is often a component of a conflict minimization strategy during divorce proceedings.
Remaining calm and prioritizing certain outcomes can help people maintain their dignity during a divorce. Spouses who set certain goals and try to keep their emotions as removed from the situation as possible may be able to minimize how frequently divorce negotiations devolve into active arguments.